
Cellular Automata

As everyone learns in grade school, typical 1-dimensional cellular automata are identified at the edges and thus their evolutions form topological cylinders. An obvious method of visualization then is a proper geometric cylinder:

    graphicsSize = {600, 400};
    gridControlHeight = 14;
    shapeChoicesIconSize = {25, 25};
    {widthDefault, widthMin, widthMax} = {40, 30, 60};
    {iterationsDefault, iterationsMin, iterationsMax} = {60, 10, 80};
    (*shape choices*)
    createShapeChoices[ls_] := Module[{},
       (shapeOverlap[#[[1]]] = #[[4]]) & /@ ls;
       #[[1]] -> Tooltip[Graphics3D[{EdgeForm[], Dynamic[color], Rotate[Cuboid[{0, 0, 0}, {1, 1, #[[1]]}], #[[3]], {0, 1, 0}]},
            Background -> Dynamic[background], Lighting -> "Neutral", Boxed -> False, ImageSize -> shapeChoicesIconSize], #[[2]], TooltipDelay -> .3] & /@ ls];
    shapeChoices = createShapeChoices[{{.2, "wafer", 0, 0}, {1, "block", 0, .14}, {12, "spaghetti", \[Pi]/5, .14}}];
    (*CellularAutomaton choices and the range of the 'rule' slider*)
    automata = {
       {{n, 2, 1}, " E ", "Elementary", 255},
       {{n, {2, 1}, 2}, "T2", "Totalistic, Range 2", 63},
       {{n, {2, 1}, 3}, "T3", "Totalistic, Range 3", 255},
       {{n, {2, 1}, 4}, "T4", "Totalistic, Range 4", 1023},
       {{n, {2, 1}, 5}, "T5", "Totalistic, Range 5", 4095}};
    typeChoices = #[[1]] -> Tooltip[#[[2]], #[[3]], TooltipDelay -> .1] & /@ automata;
    Do[ruleMax[a[[1]]] = a[[4]], {a, automata}];
    (*initial array operations*)
    opList = {
       (*reset*) Grid[List@{Dynamic[ ArrayPlot[{Table[If[i == 1, 1, 0], {i, 1, 9}]}, Mesh -> All, ColorFunction -> arrayColor, ColorFunctionScaling -> False], TrackedSymbols :> {arrayColor}], "reset"},
         Alignment -> {Center, Center}]
        :> (initialArray = ConstantArray[0, width]; initialArray[[1]] = 1),
       (*invert*) Grid[List@{Dynamic[ ArrayPlot[{Table[If[i == 1, 0, 1], {i, 1, 9}]}, Mesh -> All, ColorFunction -> arrayColor, ColorFunctionScaling -> False], TrackedSymbols :> {arrayColor}], "invert"},
         Alignment -> {Center, Center}]
        :> (initialArray = Boole[# == 0] & /@ initialArray),
       (*randomize*)Module[{conjure, entropyList},
        conjure[] := While[Entropy[entropyList = RandomInteger[{0, 1}, 9]] < .65]; conjure[];
        Grid[List@{Dynamic[ArrayPlot[{entropyList}, Mesh -> All, ColorFunction -> arrayColor, ColorFunctionScaling -> False], TrackedSymbols :> {arrayColor, entropyList}], "randomize"},
          Alignment -> {Center, Center}]
         :> (initialArray = RandomInteger[{0, 1}, width]; conjure[])]};
    (*color scheme bookmarks*)
    ColorSchemeIcon[foreground_, background_] :=
     Graphics[{background, Rectangle[{0, 0}, {1, 1}], foreground, Rectangle[{.25, .25}, {.75, .75}]}, ImageSize -> {20, 20}]
    ColorSchemeIcon[foreground_, background_, True] := Graphics[{
        foreground, Rectangle[{0, 0}, {.5, 1}],
        background, Rectangle[{.25, .25}, {.5, .75}],
        background, Rectangle[{.5, 0}, {1, 1}],
        foreground, Rectangle[{.5, .25}, {.75, .75}]}, ImageSize -> {20, 20}];
    colorSchemes = {
       {Darker[Blend[{Yellow, Green}], .1], Lighter[Gray, .7], "default"},
       {invert, "invert colors"},
       {RGBColor[1, .9495, .125], RGBColor[0, .5384, .04806]},
       {RGBColor[1, .3846, .7143], Lighter[Gray, .9]},
       {RGBColor[.577, .1539, 1], RGBColor[.0879, 0, .3077]},
       {RGBColor[0, .8182, .7918], White},
       {White, Black}};
    colorSchemeList =
      (# /. {
           {invert, t_} :> (Grid[ List@{Dynamic@ColorSchemeIcon[background, color, True], t}, Spacings -> .5, Alignment -> {Center, Center}] :>
              With[{swap = color}, {color = background, background = swap}]),
           {f_, b_} :> (Grid[List@{ColorSchemeIcon[f, b]}, Spacings -> .5, Alignment -> {Center, Center}] :> {color = f, background = b}),
           {f_, b_, t_} :> (Grid[List@{ColorSchemeIcon[f, b], t}, Spacings -> .5, Alignment -> {Center, Center}] :> {color = f, background = b})
           }) & /@ colorSchemes;
    fullRandomBookmark = Grid[{{"Full Random"}}] :> Module[{},
        color = RGBColor[RandomReal[{0, 1}, 3]];
        background = RGBColor[RandomReal[{0, 1}, 3]];
        thickness = RandomChoice[{.5, .3, .2} -> shapeChoices][[1]];
        width = RandomInteger[{widthMin, widthMax}];
        iterations = RandomInteger[{iterationsMin, iterationsMax}];
        type = RandomChoice[typeChoices][[1]];
        rule = RandomInteger[{0, ruleMax[type]}];
        initialArray = RandomInteger[{0, 1}, width]];
    (*the control used for adjusting the initial array*)
    gridControl[Dynamic[var_], colorFunction_, maxWidth_, height_] :=
      DynamicModule[{lastValue, lastIndex = -1, mouseLoc},
       mouseLoc[] := Module[{pos = MousePosition["Graphics"]},
         If[pos === None, None, Ceiling[Abs[First@pos]]]];
       (*main gridControl output*)
       Panel[#, ImageSize -> maxWidth, Alignment -> Center, Appearance -> "Frameless", FrameMargins -> 0] &@
         Dynamic[ArrayPlot[{var}, Mesh -> All, ImageSize -> {{maxWidth}, height}, ColorFunction -> colorFunction, ColorFunctionScaling -> False, PlotRangePadding -> 0]],
         {"MouseDown" :> Module[{x = Clip[mouseLoc[], {1, Length[var]}]},
            If[Head[x] =!= Integer, Return[]];
            var[[x]] = Boole[var[[x]] == 0];
            lastValue = var[[x]]],
          "MouseDragged" :> Module[{x = Clip[mouseLoc[], {1, Length[var]}]},
            If[Head[x] =!= Integer, Return[]];
            If[x =!= lastIndex,(*only when entering new cell*)
             lastIndex = x;
             var[[x]] = lastValue]]}]];
    (*function that creates the Cuboids*)
    render[stack_, iterations_, color_, thickness_, overlap_] := Module[{
        center, interval, width = Length[stack[[1]]]},
       interval = 2. \[Pi]/width;
               If[stack[[level, rad]] == 1,
                center = {Cos[interval*rad]/interval, Sin[interval*rad]/interval, 0} // N;
                Sow[Cuboid[center + {0, 0, -level} + {thickness, overlap/2 + .52, .52}, center + {0, 0, -level} - {0, overlap/2 + .52, .52}], color];
                (*make the cylinder darker on the inside*)Sow[Cuboid[ center + {0, 0, -level} + {0, overlap/2 + .52, .52}, center + {0, 0, -level} - {.02, overlap/2 + .52, .52}],
                 Darker[color, .5]]],
               {level, 1, iterations}], _, {#1, #2} &],
            interval*rad, {0, 0, 1}, center]]
          , {rad, 1, width}]]];
      (*mention these so that they are saved in CDF*)
      {opList, colorSchemeList, fullRandomBookmark};
      (*clamp 'rule' slider max*)
      If[rule > ruleMax[type], rule = ruleMax[type]];
      (*readjust length of initial array*)
      If[Length[initialArray] != width, initialArray = PadRight[initialArray, width]];
      (*the 2D matrix*)
      stack = CellularAutomaton[type /. n -> rule, initialArray, iterations];
      (*prevent recursive updating*)
      If[arrayColor[0] =!= background || arrayColor[1] =!= color,
       arrayColor[0] = background; arrayColor[1] = color];
      (*main output. this Overlay/ControlActive structure is to prevent the user's adjustments
       to the Graphics3D pane from being lost, as they would be with a simple ControlActive[a,b] setup*)
        Graphics3D[{EdgeForm[], ControlActive[Null, If[Total@Total@stack > 0, a = render[stack, iterations + 1, color, thickness, shapeOverlap[thickness]]]]},
              Lighting -> "Neutral", Background -> background, Boxed -> False, ImageSize -> graphicsSize],
        ControlActive[ArrayPlot[stack // Transpose, ColorFunction -> arrayColor, ColorFunctionScaling -> False, Frame -> False, ImageSize -> graphicsSize], ""]},
       All, 1, Alignment -> Center]
     (*Manipulate options*)
     , OpenerView[{"Style", Grid[List@{
          Control@{color, Darker[Blend[{Yellow, Green}], .1], ImageSize -> Small, ContinuousAction -> False},
          Control@{background, Lighter[Gray, .7], ImageSize -> Small, ContinuousAction -> False},
          Control@{{thickness, .2, "shape"}, shapeChoices, ControlType -> SetterBar, Background -> background}},
        Dividers -> {{False, False, False, True}, {False, True}}, FrameStyle -> Directive[Opacity[.5], Darker@Gray]]}],
        Control@{{width, widthDefault}, widthMin, widthMax, 1, Appearance -> "Labeled", ImageSize -> Small},
        Control@{{iterations, iterationsDefault}, iterationsMin, iterationsMax, 1, Appearance -> "Labeled", ImageSize -> Small},
        Control@{{type, typeChoices[[1, 1]]}, typeChoices, ControlType -> SetterBar}},
      Spacings -> 0],
     {{rule, 30}, 0, ruleMax[type], 1, Appearance -> "Labeled", ImageSize -> Large},
     {{initialArray, {1}, Null}, gridControl[#1, arrayColor, graphicsSize[[1]], gridControlHeight] &, ControlPlacement -> Bottom},
     Alignment -> Center,
     AppearanceElements -> "ManipulateMenu",
     SaveDefinitions -> True,
     Bookmarks :> {
       Sequence @@ opList,
       Sequence @@ colorSchemeList,

The awesomeness of this program is acceptable, I suppose. However I wrote it when I was just starting to get the hang of Mathematica. For a more idiomatic approach to the geometry (one using Position), see my more recent cellular automata 3D 1. And for a more methodical approach to structuring larger programs of this kind, see my matrix replacement 2.