
cellular automata 3D 1 ™

  1. draw[array_, options___] := Module[
       {interval, topinterval, width, height, f, coords},
       {height, width} = Dimensions[array];
       interval = 2. Pi/width;
       topinterval = 2. Pi (1 + interval)/width;
       coords = Position[array, 1];
       f[{x_, r_}] := Rotate[Translate[
          Cuboid[-#, #] &[.5 topinterval {1, 1, 1}],
          {1, 0, -interval x}], interval r, {0, 0, 1}(*;{1,0,0}*), {0, 0, 0}];
       Graphics3D[{{Lighter[LightBlue], Opacity[.5],
          Sphere[{0, 0, -interval height/2}, .5]},
         EdgeForm[None], White, f /@ coords}, options, Boxed -> False]];
      ConstantArray[0, 500]~ReplacePart~{1 -> 1, 251 -> 1}, 125],
     Lighting -> "Neutral"]
  2. draw2[im_Image, options___] := draw2[ImageData[ColorConvert[im, "RGB"]], options];
    draw2[array_, options___] := Module[
       {interval, width, height, f, cubes, coords},
       {height, width} = Dimensions[array][[{1, 2}]];
       interval = 2. Pi/width;
       coords = Position[array, p_ /; p != {0, 0, 0}, {2}];
       f[{x_, r_}] := Rotate[Translate[
          Cuboid[-#, #] &[.5 interval {1, 1, 1}],
          {1, 0, -interval x}], interval r, {0, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 0}];
       cubes = MapThread[{RGBColor @@ #1, f[#2]} &,
         {array[[##]] & @@@ coords, coords}];
       Graphics3D[{{Lighter[LightBlue], Opacity[.5],
          Sphere[{0, 0, -interval height/2}, .5]},
         EdgeForm[None], cubes}, options, Boxed -> False]];
    (*this rule from "http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~mm/evca-review.pdf"*)
    rules = Thread[Tuples[{0, 1}, {7}] ->
        IntegerDigits[FromDigits["0504058705000f77037755837bffb77f", 16], 2, 128]];
    arr = FixedPointList[CellularAutomaton[rules], RandomInteger[1, 600]];
    arrEdge = ArrayPlot[arr, PixelConstrained -> 1, Frame -> False] // EdgeDetect // ImageData;
    (*ad hoc coloring, originally intended for particle animation*)
    pat1 = {{_, _, _, _, _}, {_, 1, 0, 0, 1}, {_, _, _, _, _}};
    pat2 = {{_, 1, _, _, _}, {_, _, 1, _, _}, {_, _, _, 1, _}};
    pat3 = {{_, _, _, _, _}, {_, 1, 1, 1, _}, {_, _, _, _, _}};
    (f[#1 | Reverse /@ #1, _] = #2) & @@@
      {_ -> {0, 0, 0}, pat1 -> {1, 0, 0}, pat2 -> {0, 1, 0}, pat3 -> {0, 0, 1}};
    (*see also ImageFilter, ImageConvolve, a million other things*)
    colored = CellularAutomaton[{f, {}, {1, 2}}, arrEdge];
    draw2[colored, Lighting -> "Neutral"]

This page is an excerpt from the sierpinski triangle page to end most sierpinski triangle pages ™.