
matrix replacement 2 ™

    1. (* minimal *)
      iterate[matrix_, power_, matrix1_: {{1}}] := Module[{rules =
           {0 -> (0 # &), 1 -> (# &), T -> Transpose,
            R -> (Transpose[Reverse[#]] &), L -> (Reverse[Transpose[#]] &)}},
           ArrayFlatten[Map[#[prev] &, matrix /. rules, {2}]]],
          matrix1, power]];
      draw[matrix_, power_] :=
        ArrayPlot[iterate[matrix, power],
         Frame -> False, PixelConstrained -> 1];
      draw[{{1, 0}, {T, R}}, 10]
    2. matrixInput1[Dynamic[m_], Dynamic[rot_]] :=
        Dynamic[Rotate[Deploy[MatrixForm[#, TableSpacing -> {0, 0}]], rot] &@
          Array[(*(*better performance*)Rotate[#,-rot]&@*)
           EventHandler[Checkbox[Dynamic[m[[##]]], {0, 1}],
             {"MouseDown", 2} :> (m[[##]] = 0)] &,
           Dimensions[m]], 0];
      matrixInput2[Dynamic[m_], Dynamic[rules_], Dynamic[color_],
         Dynamic[rot_]] :=
          tooltip = Tooltip[#, "Click to cycle\nRight-click to zero", TooltipDelay -> .8] &,
          eatRightClick = EventHandler[#, {"MouseDown", 2} :> {}] &,
          matrixForm = MatrixForm[#, TableSpacing -> {1, 1}] &},
          eatRightClick@Style[#, color] &@
             Rotate[#, rot] &@tooltip@Deploy@matrixForm@
               EventHandler[Toggler[Dynamic[m[[##]]], First /@ rules],
                 {"MouseDown", 2} :> (m[[##]] = 0)] &,
      bg = White;
      dims = # -> If[# > 4, Style[#, Red], #] & /@ Range[4];
      defaultRules = {0 -> (0 # &), 1 -> (# &), T -> Transpose,
         R -> (Transpose[Reverse[#]] &), L -> (Reverse[Transpose[#]] &)};
      iterate[matrix_, matrix1_, rules_, power_] :=
         Function[prev, ArrayFlatten[Map[#[prev] &, matrix /. rules, {2}]]],
         matrix1, power];
    3. controls = With[{
          m1C = Control[{{m1, 2, ""}, dims, ControlType -> PopupMenu}],
          m2C = Control[{{m2, 2, ""}, dims, ControlType -> PopupMenu}],
          matrixInput1C = matrixInput1[Dynamic[matrix1], Dynamic[rot]],
          matrixInput2C = matrixInput2[Dynamic[matrix], Dynamic[rules], Dynamic[color], Dynamic[rot]],
          rulesC = OpenerView[{"Rules", Control[{{rules, defaultRules, ""}, InputField,
               Background -> Dynamic[Lighter[background, .65]], FieldSize -> {45, 5}}]}],
          colorC = Control[{{color, Black}, ColorSlider}],
          rotC = Control[{{rot, 0, "\[Theta]"}, Pi, -Pi, Pi/16}],
          powerC = Control[{{power, 3}, 1, 4, 1, Appearance -> "Labeled"}],
          backgroundC = Row[{"background   ",
             Framed[ColorSlider[Dynamic[background, (bg = background = #) &],
               AppearanceElements -> "Swatch"], FrameStyle -> Darker[Gray]], " ",
             ColorSlider[Dynamic[background, (bg = background = #) &],
              AppearanceElements -> "Spectrum", ImageSize -> Small]}],
          opacityC = Control[{{opacity, 1}, 0, 1, ImageSize -> Small}],
          primitiveC = Control[{{primitive, Rectangle[]},
             (# -> Graphics[{color, #}, ImageSize -> 20] &) /@ {
               {PointSize[Tiny], Point[{0, 0}]},
               {EdgeForm[None], Disk[{0, 0}, .5]},
               Rotate[Scale[Rectangle[], 1/Sqrt[2]], Pi/4],
               Rectangle[]}, SetterBar}]},
             Row[{m1C, "   |", m2C}],
             Row[{"    ", matrixInput1C, "  ", matrixInput2C}]}],
           Column[{rulesC, OpenerView[#, True] &@
              {"Style", Row[{Column[{colorC, rotC, powerC}],
                 Column[{backgroundC, opacityC, primitiveC}]}]}}]}]];
      bookmarks = {
         "Random" :> (
           matrix1 = RandomChoice[{0, 1}, Dimensions[matrix1]];
           matrix = RandomChoice[First /@ rules, Dimensions[matrix]]),
         "Array Print" :> With[
           {m1 = matrix1, m = matrix, r = rules, p = power, c = color, o = opacity, bg = background},
               iterate[m /. 0 m -> {{1}}, m1 /. 0 m1 -> {{1}}, r, p], PixelConstrained -> 1, Frame -> False,
               ColorRules -> {0 -> bg, 1 -> c /. RGBColor[r_, g_, b_] :> RGBColor[r, g, b, o]}]],
         "Clear" :> (matrix = 0 matrix)};
    4. Panel[#, Background -> Dynamic[bg]] &@
        If[{m1, m1} =!= Dimensions[matrix1], matrix1 = PadRight[matrix1, {m1, m1}]];
        If[{m2, m2} =!= Dimensions[matrix], matrix = PadRight[matrix, {m2, m2}]];
        (*remove rules from matrix that no longer exist*)
        Module[{matrixP, default = rules[[1, 1]]},
         matrixP = Replace[matrix, a_ /; ! MemberQ[First /@ rules, a] -> default, {2}];
         If[matrix =!= matrixP, matrix = matrixP]];
        With[{primitives =
           Rotate[Translate[primitive, Position[#, 1]], rot - Pi/2] &@
             matrix /. 0 matrix -> {{1}},
             matrix1 /. 0 matrix -> {{1}}, rules,
             ControlActive[Max[power - 2, 2], power]]},
         Graphics[{Dynamic[EdgeForm[{Opacity[opacity], color}]],
           Dynamic[color], Dynamic[Opacity[opacity]], primitives},
          ImageSize -> {{400, Large}, {400, Large}},
          Background -> Dynamic[background]]],
        (*declare variables here for persistence*)
        {{background, bg = White}, ControlType -> None},
        {{matrix1, {{1, 0}, {1, 1}}}, ControlType -> None},
        {{matrix, {{1, 0}, {1, 1}}}, ControlType -> None},
        Bookmarks :> Evaluate[bookmarks],
        LabelStyle -> Darker[Gray], SynchronousUpdating -> Automatic,
        Paneled -> False, SaveDefinitions -> True, Alignment -> Center]

This page is an excerpt from the sierpinski triangle page to end most sierpinski triangle pages ™.