

L-systems are simple rule-based constructions that can make pretty fractals. Ergo the obligatory Mathematica program:

    imageSize = {400, 400};
    thumbSize = {26, 26};
    thumbPadding = 2;
    nextStyle = {RGBColor[1, .6, .6], Dashing[1 / (40 + 3^(i+1))]};
    maxIterations = 5; (* initialized so it's not Null *)
    (* ignore these warnings *)
    (* main LSystem function. it does ReplaceAll
        in a way that splices into the list *)
    Module[{adjustment = {
        Rule[a_, b_] :> Rule[a, Sequence @@ b],
        RuleDelayed[a_, b_] :> RuleDelayed[a, Sequence @@ b]}},
        LSystem[0, axiom_, _] := axiom;
        LSystem[iterations_, axiom_, rule_] :=
                LSystem[iterations - 1, axiom, rule] /. (rule /. adjustment);
    (* main drawing function. executes a sequence of movement commands *)
    LOGO[commands_, {startx_, starty_, starta_}] := Block[{
        (* note that these commands are functions *which construct*
            transformations that operate on the turtle's state *)
        forward = {x_Real, y_Real, a_Real} -> {x + # Cos[a], y + # Sin[a], a} &,
        left = {x_Real, y_Real, a_Real} -> {x, y, a + # Degree} &,
        backward = forward[-#] &,
        right = left[-#] &,
        push, pop},
        (* LIFO stack *)
        {push, pop} = Module[{list = {}},
            {triple_ :> (AppendTo[list, triple]; triple),
            _ :> Module[
                {val = list[[-1]]},
                list = Delete[list,-1];
            (* remove non-commands *)
            filteredCommands := filteredCommands = Cases[commands, _Rule | _RuleDelayed],
            (* split lines where there is a pop command *)
            spans := spans = Join[{0},
                Position[filteredCommands, pop] // Flatten,
                If[filteredCommands[[-1]] =!= pop, {Length[filteredCommands]+1}, {}]],
            removeAngles = ArrayPad[#, {{0, 0}, {0, -1}}] &,
            splitLines = Function[lines,
                Cases[Partition[spans, 2, 1],
                    {start_, end_} :> lines[[ (start + 1) ;; end ]]]]},
            (* execute commands. *)
            (* note that duplicate points created by left/right are not removed *)
            FoldList[Replace, {startx, starty, starta Degree}, filteredCommands]
            // removeAngles
            // splitLines]
    (* executes LOGO commands within the context of the given L-system *)
    geometry[system_, iterations_] := Block[{
        i = iterations,
        (* set a default offset if one isn't defined *)
        offset = (offset /. system) /. (offset -> {0., 0.})},
        Hold[LOGO[LSystem[i, axiom, rules] /. conversions,
            Append[offset, orientation]]]
        /. system
        // ReleaseHold
    (* generates the thumbnail for the given L-system *)
    thumbnail[system_] := Tooltip[
        Graphics[Line /@ geometry[system, (thumbIterations /. system)],
            ImagePadding -> thumbPadding, ImageSize -> thumbSize],
        (name /. system), TooltipDelay -> .3];
    (* these are the structure definitions for the curves.  the list replacement
        is very flexible since it uses Mathematica's symbolic transformations --
        I have two different methods of scaling here as examples.
     a scaling option that I didn't implement is to use matrix transformations *)
    curves = {
    { name -> "L\[EAcute]vy C Curve",
        orientation -> 0.,
        axiom -> {forward[1]},
        (* scaling method 1. scale within the rules of the L-system itself *)
        rules -> { forward[x_] ->
            {R, forward[Cos[45. Degree] x], L, L, forward[Cos[45. Degree] x], R}},
        conversions -> {
            L -> left[45], R -> right[45]},
        plotRange -> {{-.5, 1.5}, {-1, .25}},
        thumbIterations -> 5,
        maxIters -> 13,
        maxShowNext -> 8 },
    { name -> "Sierpinski Triangle",
        orientation -> 60. Mod[i, 2],
        axiom -> {A},
        rules -> {
            A -> {B, R, A, R, B},
            B -> {A, L, B, L, A}},
        (* scaling method 2. scale "globally" after iteration *)
        conversions -> {
            A -> forward[2.^(-i)],
            B -> forward[2.^(-i)],
            L -> left[60],
            R -> right[60]},
        plotRange -> {{0, 1}, {-.1, 1}},
        thumbIterations -> 3,
        maxIters -> 9,
        maxShowNext -> 6 },
    { name -> "Hilbert Curve",
        orientation -> 180.,
        axiom -> {A},
        rules -> {
            A -> {L, B, F, R, A, F, A, R, F, B, L},
            B -> {R, A, F, L, B, F, B, L, F, A, R}},
        conversions -> {
            F -> forward[2.^(-i)],
            L -> left[90], R -> right[90]},
        plotRange -> {{-1, .01}, {-1.01, .01}},
        thumbIterations -> 3,
        offset -> {-2.^(-i-1), -2.^(-i-1) },
        maxIters -> 7,
        minIters -> 1,
        maxShowNext -> 5 },
    { name -> "Heighway Dragon Curve",
        orientation -> 45. i,
        axiom -> {F, X},
        rules -> {
            X -> {X, R, Y, F, R},
            Y -> {L, F, X, L, Y}},
        conversions -> {
            F -> forward[Sqrt[2.]^(-i)],
            R -> right[90], L -> left[90]},
        plotRange -> {{-.4, 1.22}, {-.5, .8}},
        thumbIterations -> 5,
        maxIters -> 13,
        maxShowNext -> 8 },
    { name -> "Pinwheel Embroidery",
        orientation -> 45.,
        axiom -> {X, push, L, X, R, R, X, pop, R, X, L, L, X, R, F},
        rules -> {
            F -> {F, push, L, X, R, R, X, pop, R, X, L, L, X, R, F},
            X -> {F, push, L, F, R, R, R, F, pop, R, F, L, L, F, R, F}},
        conversions -> {
            F -> forward[1], R -> right[45], L -> left[45]},
        plotRange -> Automatic,
        thumbIterations -> 2,
        maxIters -> 4,
        maxShowNext -> -1 },
    { name -> "Koch Snowflake",
        orientation -> 0.,
        axiom -> {F, right[120], F, right[120], F},
        rules -> {
            F -> {F, left[60], F, right[120], F, left[60], F}},
        conversions -> {
            F -> forward[3.^(-i)]},
        plotRange -> {{-.1, 1.1}, {-.92, .33}},
        thumbIterations -> 2,
        maxIters -> 5,
        maxShowNext -> 3 },
    { name -> "Ces\[AGrave]ro Curve",
        orientation -> 0.,
        axiom -> {F},
        rules -> {
            F -> {F, L, F, R, R, F, L, F}},
        conversions -> {
            F -> forward[(2 + 2 Cos[85. Degree])^(-i)],
            R -> right[85], L -> left[85]},
        plotRange -> {{0, 1}, {-.1, .5}},
        thumbIterations -> 2,
        maxIters -> 7,
        maxShowNext -> 5 },
    (* empirically find magnitude/rotation transform for Gosper curve
        since it's not immediately straightforward *)
    Module[{gosper, abs, arg},
        gosper[abs_, arg_, baseAngle_] := {
            name -> "Gosper Curve",
            orientation -> baseAngle + arg Degree^(-1) i,
            axiom -> {F, X},
            rules -> {
                X -> {X, R, Y, F, R, R, Y, F, L, F, X, L, L, F, X, F, X, L, Y, F, R},
                Y -> {L, F, X, R, Y, F, Y, F, R, R, Y, F, R, F, X, L, L, F, X, L, Y}},
            conversions -> {
                F -> forward[abs^(-i)],
                R -> right[60], L -> left[60]},
            plotRange -> {{-.4, 1}, {-.2, 1.2}},
            thumbIterations -> 2,
            maxIters -> 5,
            maxShowNext -> 3 };
        {abs, arg} = Complex @@ (geometry[gosper[1., 0., 0.], 1] // Last // Last) (* last point *)
                     // {# // Abs, # // Arg} &;
        gosper[abs, -arg, 90.]],
    { name -> "Penrose Tiling",
        orientation -> If[i > 6, 0., {36., 0., 0., 36., 36.}[[i]]],
        axiom ->
            {SV, 7, RS, 2R, SV, 7, RS, 2R, SV, 7, RS, 2R, SV, 7, RS, 2R, SV, 7, RS},
        rules -> {
            6 -> {8, 1, 2R, 9, 1, 4L, 7, 1, SV, L, 8, 1, 4L, 6, 1, RS, 2R},
            7 -> {R, 8, 1, 2L, 9, 1, SV, 3L, 6, 1, 2L, 7, 1, RS, R},
            8 -> {L, 6, 1, 2R, 7, 1, SV, 3R, 8, 1, 2R, 9, 1, RS, L},
            9 -> {2L, 8, 1, 4R, 6, 1, SV, R, 9, 1, 4R, 7, 1, RS, 2L, 7, 1},
            1 -> {}},
        conversions -> {
            1 -> forward[1], (x_ : 1) L -> left[36 x],
            (x_ : 1) R -> right[36 x], SV -> push, RS -> pop},
        plotRange -> Automatic,
        customStyle -> {JoinForm["Round"]},
        thumbIterations -> 1,
        maxIters -> 5,
        minIters -> 1,
        maxShowNext -> 3 },
    { name -> "Plant",
        orientation -> 90.,
        axiom -> {F},
        rules -> {
            F -> {F, push, L, F, F, pop, F, push, R, F, F, pop, F}},
        conversions -> {
            F -> forward[3.^(-i)], L -> left[25], R -> right[25]},
        plotRange -> {{-.4, .48}, {-.01, 1.36}},
        thumbIterations -> 2,
        maxIters -> 4,
        maxShowNext -> 3 }
    (* the choices that will populate the SetterBar *)
    choices = (# -> thumbnail[#]) & /@ curves;
    maxIterations = (maxIters /. system); (* readjust slider max *)
    iterations = Min[iterations, (maxIters /. system)];
    (* main Manipulate output *)
        (* next iteration *)
        If[showNext && (iterations <= (maxShowNext /. system)),
                    Block[{i = iterations + 1}, nextStyle],
                    Line /@ geometry[system, iterations + 1]]],
        (* current iteration *)
            {color, Thickness[lineThickness]},
            (customStyle /. system) /. (customStyle -> {}),
            Line /@ geometry[system, iterations]]],
        PlotRange -> (plotRange /. system), ImageSize -> imageSize],
    (* tooltip content *)
        (name /. system) <> " L-system at " <>
        ToString[iterations] <> " iteration" <> If[iterations =!= 1, "s", ""], Null,
        ToString[(name /. system)] <> " Construction:", Null,
        Grid[{{"Axiom:", (axiom /. system)}}], Null,
        Grid[{{"Transformation rules:", MatrixForm[{rules /. system}//Transpose]}}], Null,
        Grid[{{"Definitions:", MatrixForm[{conversions /. system} // Transpose],
        If[Count[conversions /. system, i, Infinity] > 0,
            "With i = the current iteration"]}}]}],
    ImageMargins -> 3, FrameMargins -> 0, FrameStyle -> None],
    TooltipDelay -> .6],
    OpenerView[{"Style", Column[{
        Control[{{color, Black, "line color"}, ColorSlider}],
        Control[{{lineThickness, 0.005, "line thickness"}, 0, .02, .005}],
        Control[{{showNext, True, "show next iteration"}, {True, False}}]}]}],
    {{system, curves[[2]], "L-system"}, choices, ControlType -> SetterBar},
    {{iterations, 1, "iterations"}, 0, Dynamic[maxIterations], 1, Appearance -> "Labeled",
    (* disable animation, since it plays poorly with Dynamic[maxIterations] *)
    ContinuousAction -> False, ControlType -> Slider},
    SynchronousUpdating -> False]

This is however basically the first Mathematica program I wrote. For a slightly different, not necessarily better approach, see my 3D-capable l-system 3D 1, and some of the images I produced with it. For a soup-to-nuts L-system in a minimal piece of code, see l-system.