
cycowtron 4800 deluxe ™

    1. toRiemann = Compile[{{pts, _Real, 2}}, Module[{k},
          Map[(k = 2/(1 + #.#); {k #[[1]], k #[[2]], 1 - k}) &, pts]]];
      invertRiemann[pts_] := {#1, #2, -#3} & @@@ pts;
      (*fromRiemann[pts_]:=(-1/(#3-1)) {#1,#2,0}&@@@pts;*)
      shuttle = With[{shuttleGC = ExampleData[{"Geometry3D", "SpaceShuttle"}, "GraphicsComplex"]},
         Translate[#, {0, 0, 100}] &@
          {EdgeForm[None], Lighting -> "Neutral",
           Append[shuttleGC, VertexColors -> RandomReal[.65 + {0, 1}, Length[shuttleGC[[1]]]]^2]}];
      cow = Translate[#, {0, 0, 1.2}] &@
         {EdgeForm[None],(*Opacity[.999],*)Texture[Graphics[Disk[]]], Lighting -> "Neutral",
          Append[ExampleData[{"Geometry3D", "Cow"}, "GraphicsComplex"],
           VertexTextureCoordinates -> 1/500 ExampleData[{"Geometry3D", "Cow"}, "PolygonData"]]};
      allSettings = {"sphere", "cow", "original", "riemann", "inverse", "shuttle"};
      bookmarks = {
         "Random" :> (
           With[{R := RandomReal[]},
            color = RGBColor[R, R, R];
            inflection = RandomChoice[{1, -1}];
            effect = .25*R^8; thickness = 10*R^8;
            spirality = R^3;
            If[spirality < .035, spirality = 0];
            x = 12 R; y = 2 R];
           Module[{weights = If[x > 3, {.1, .03, .87}, {.1, .07, .83}]},
            \[Zeta] = RandomChoice[{-1, 1}]*
              RandomChoice[weights -> {
                 RandomReal[{0, 7.5}],
                 RandomChoice[{0, .5, .5}],
                 Round[RandomReal[{1, 7.5}], .5]}]]),
         "Rose" :> {color = Red, effect = 0, inflection = -1, x = 0, y = 1.1343, spirality = 0, \[Zeta] = 3},
         "Glyph" :> {color = Black, effect = 0.198, inflection = 1, x = 5.2, y = 0, spirality = 0, \[Zeta] = 2},
         "Mass Atomic" :> { effect = 0, inflection = -1, x = 5.84, y = 0.412, spirality = 0, \[Zeta] = -4.2504},
         "Jello" :> {color = Red, effect = 0, inflection = -1, x = 12, y = 0.846, spirality = 1, \[Zeta] = -1},
         "Grim" :> {thickness = 3.35, color = Black, effect = 0.0675, inflection = 1, x = 8, y = 0.296, spirality = 1, \[Zeta] = -1},
         "Angelwings" :> {color = RGBColor[.07694, .39046, 1], effect = 0, inflection = 1, spirality = 1, x = 12, y = 0, \[Zeta] = -5.4947},
         "Rollers" :> {color = Black, effect = 0, inflection = -1, spiral3ity = 0, x = 5.5, y = .1, \[Zeta] = -0.984032039033508},
         "Lifespark" :> {color = RGBColor[.1026, .9878, .0201], effect = 0, inflection = 1, spirality = .0995, x = 3.2757, y = .2002, \[Zeta] = -5.5}};       
    2. With[{
        colorC = Control[{{color, Black, "line color"}, ColorSlider}],
        backgroundC = Control[{{background, White}, ColorSlider}],
        thicknessC = Control[{{thickness, .001, "line thickness"}, .001, 10, Appearance -> "Labeled", ImageSize -> Small}],
        effectC = Control[{{effect, 0., "charcoal effect"}, 0, .25, Appearance -> "Labeled", ImageSize -> Small}],
        inflectionC = Control[{{inflection, 1}, {1 -> " concave ", -1 -> " convex "}, Appearance -> "Vertical"}],
        angularityC = Control[{{\[Zeta], 2., "angularity"}, -7.5, 7.5, .5, Appearance -> "Labeled", ImageSize -> Small}],
        tensionC = Control[{{x, 8., "tension"}, 0, 12, Appearance -> "Labeled", ImageSize -> Small}],
        yC = Control[{{y, 2., "cycle width"}, 0, 2, ImageSize -> Tiny}],
        spiralityC = Control[{{spirality, 0.}, 0, 1, ImageSize -> Tiny}],
        scaleC = Control[{{scale, 3.157, "sphere size"}, .00001, 15, ImageSize -> Medium}],
        settingsC = Control[{{settings, Take[allSettings, 4], "view"}, allSettings, ControlType -> TogglerBar}],
        opacityC = Control[{{opacity, .43}, 0, 1, Appearance -> "Labeled", ImageSize -> Small}],
        resetC = DynamicWrapper[
          Tooltip[Setter[Dynamic[reset], "reset"], "reset perspective", TooltipDelay -> .3],
          If[reset === "reset", (reset = False; vp = {1.3, -2.4, 2}; vv = {0, 0, 1}; {va, vc} = Automatic {1, 1})]]},
         controls = Sequence[
                 Column[{backgroundC, colorC}, Alignment -> Right],
                 Column[{effectC, thicknessC, opacityC}, Alignment -> Right]},
               Style[\[HorizontalLine], Lighter[LightGray]]}, Spacings -> 0]}],
           Row[{scaleC, Spacer[30], settingsC}],
           Row[{inflectionC, Spacer[30],
             Column[{angularityC, tensionC}],
             Column[{yC, spiralityC}], Spacer[30], resetC}]],
         storedVars = Sequence @@ ({{#, Automatic}, ControlType -> None} & /@ {vp, vv, va, vc}),
         dynamicView = Sequence[
           ViewPoint -> Dynamic[vp], ViewVertical -> Dynamic[vv],
           ViewAngle -> Dynamic[va], ViewCenter -> Dynamic[vc]]},
        (# /. switch[a_, b_] :> (*macro*)
             Unevaluated[Dynamic[If[MemberQ[settings, a], b, {}]]] &)@
          DynamicModule[{g, lines, riemannLines, invertedLines,
            \[Psi] = Round[Abs[FractionalPart[\[Zeta]]]*1., .25] /. {
               0. -> y, .5 -> y/2, .25 | .75 -> y/4}},
           g = ParametricPlot[
             1/(scale^1.4) (1. + spirality*(Log[\[Theta] + 1.] - 1.))*
              {\[Psi] Cos[\[Theta]] + x  Cos[64. \[Theta]] + (1 - effect*RandomReal[])*\[Zeta]* (Cos[512. \[Theta]] + Cos[64. \[Zeta] \[Theta]]),
               \[Psi] Sin[\[Theta]] - x Sin[64. \[Theta]] + (1 - effect*RandomReal[])* inflection*\[Zeta]* (Sin[512. \[Theta]] + Sin[64. \[Zeta] \[Theta]])}
             , {\[Theta], 0, 2 \[Pi]}, ImageSize -> {640, 480}, PerformanceGoal -> "Quality",
             Epilog -> {Gray, Thick, Circle[{0, 0}, 1]},
             PlotStyle -> Dynamic[{{color, Opacity[.43]}}], PlotRange -> Full,
             Background -> Dynamic[background], PlotPoints -> 270, Axes -> None];
           lines = Cases[g, Line[pts_] :> pts, Infinity];
           riemannLines = toRiemann /@ lines;
           invertedLines = invertRiemann /@ riemannLines;
           lines = Map[{##, 0} & @@@ # &, lines];
              switch[ "sphere", {Lighting -> "Neutral", Opacity[.1], Sphere[]}],
              switch["shuttle", shuttle], switch["cow", cow],
              Dynamic[color], Dynamic[Opacity[opacity]],
              switch["original", Line /@ lines],
              switch["riemann", Line /@ riemannLines],
              switch["inverse", Line /@ invertedLines]}, Boxed -> False,
             dynamicView, Background -> Dynamic[background],
             ImageSize -> {640, 480}]]]
          , controls,
          {{reset, "reset"}, ControlType -> None},
          Bookmarks -> bookmarks, Alignment -> Center]]]

This page is an excerpt from the sierpinski triangle page to end most sierpinski triangle pages ™.